Wonders of The First is a groundbreaking collectable adventure franchise built on the blockchain using a blend of art-forward storytelling, Web3 technology, and AI innovation. The project boasts a never-before-seen collection of 5,000 unique 1/1 characters, brought to life through human imagination, AI, and meticulous hand refinement.
Wonders of The First was born on the first block of Proof-of-Stake Ethereum, making it the only collection deployed in this historic block. All tokens, known as "Character Proofs," were minted and staked instantly, awaiting their first owner. These Character Proofs serve as the gateway to IP ownership within the Wonders of the First franchise, adding a unique historical significance to each card.
In a fantasy universe like Wonders of The First, the concept of inanimate objects as characters isn't just a storytelling device; it's a fundamental aspect of the world-building. In such realms, objects often possess qualities or powers that elevate them beyond mere tools or scenery, making them integral to the narrative fabric, even if no specific stories are explicitly written about them.
Consider legendary weapons, like a sword forged by mythical beings or imbued with ancient magic. Such a weapon might have a history that spans centuries, influencing events and legends, shaping destinies. It becomes a silent witness to history, and its presence alone can alter the course of events. It's not just an object; it's a legacy, a character with a story told through the hands it passes through and the deeds it accomplishes.
Similarly, think of enchanted artifacts, each with its own lore and mystique. They're not merely tools; they're repositories of hopes, fears, and power. They carry within them the intentions of their creators, perhaps even gaining consciousness or will. They interact with the world and its inhabitants in ways that define plotlines and character arcs
Lands and realms in fantasy settings are often alive in their own right, with forests that whisper secrets, mountains guarding ancient mysteries, or rivers that remember the passage of time. They're not just backdrops for action; they influence the narrative, challenge characters, and embody themes.
In essence, in these fantasy universes, inanimate objects are characters because they embody stories, emotions, and conflicts. Their interactions with the characters and the world aren't passive but active, making them as much a part of the narrative tapestry as any living character. They are vessels of history, magic, and meaning, deeply woven into the fabric of the universe itself.
We will send the other 5,000 tokens to single wallets. This will allow for future character expansions and the secret keys to the single wallets can be included in physical booster boxes as chase hits in future sets.
Character Proofs are available on the secondary markets below.
There are certain guardrails in place to protect the WOTF franchise from harmful use but holders are granted a broad license to build with their Character Proof IP and shape their story (including commercially). For full details please see NFT License Terms.
Wonders of The First will be available to beta playtesters in Q1.
Wonders of The First is offering exclusive access to the playtesting beta for Booster Box NFT holders. This means that collectors and players who invest in the limited edition booster boxes will have the opportunity to shape the future of the game. They can actively participate in playtesting, provide valuable feedback, and help refine the gameplay, ensuring a more polished and enjoyable experience for all players.
You can join our Discord server! Introduce yourself at https://discord.gg/wondersotf